Everything (And Everyone) In the Office Should Be As Efficient As the Small Server Cabinet
Efficient Small Server Cabinets. Built To Squeeze Into Tight Spaces
The shortstop who never lets a ball slip through the middle. The forward who routinely pulls down a couple dozen rebounds and blocks a handful of shots. The office administrator who knows the UPS guy’s name and who to divert to voicemail every time. The workhorses. They rarely get the recognition they’ve earned, but they’re as responsible for their teams’ success as the headliners. In their honor, we’d like to offer up another: the small rack-mount computer cabinet, the workhorse of our lineup.
The towering, heavy-duty network racks get all the glory, but the small server cabinet is every bit as accommodating and even more versatile. It’s one thing when you’re outfitting an entire server room, but what if you only have a closet at your disposal, or a corner of your home office under your desk? Enter the small server enclosure cabinet. It ranges in height from 12 inches to three feet and in depth from 19 inches to three feet. But at a mere 23 inches wide, they’re built to squeeze into tight confines. You sacrifice nothing in going smaller, though. They’re constructed from fully-welded U.S. steel, accommodate all 19-inch rack-mount equipment, they’re HIPAA, EIA and PCI compliant and they’re outfitted with locking front and rear doors.
It’s out of the way and practically invisible until you need to access it. Every piece (and person) in a small office should be as efficient. For a little guidance on just how small you should go, drop us a line. And consider letting your administrator cut out a little early on Friday.